
Follow below steps for hassle free setup

Upload File/Folder Settings

File Upload Restrictions

Maximum Upload File Size – Enable this option to set maximum upload file size. Enabling this option will restrict users from uploading files larger than the limit specified.
This option will have no effect on admin users.

Please note this setting will not Increase Maximum limit of your server. For example – if you have server limit of 128MB, you can change it to 1MB to 128MB. but can not set more than 128MB.

If you are unable to upload large files, edit your php.ini or user.ini file and add this line :
upload_max_filesize = 128M
this will limit max file size to 128mb, change it as needed.

Sometime it is managed by hosting provider, please contact your hosting provide and as them to increase “upload_max_filesize”

Maximum Upload File Count – Enabling this option will control how many files a user can upload.

For example – if set limit to 10. A user can upload 10 files in total (Folders does not count). When user tries to upload 11th file it will show message about limit reached. This will apply to bulk upload too.

Sync Server Folder

Server folder path – Add a folder path on your server. It will appear in All-Files Section for current admin user.
After adding a folder to UPF File manager, Any Action perform to this folder will be effective on actual folder on server. (for example – if you delete this folder from UPF File Manager will delete it from server too)

Enter a Folder path to Sync into UPF File Manager. Should start from /home/ and ends with folder to be added. Something Like this – /home/cpanel_account_name/public_html/site_directory/Invoice2023

For example – /home/upf2154ugh/public_html/dev/Invoice2023

Allowed File Types

This option allow to add Support for custom file extensions. Add New file type by entering extension in lowercase and Mime type then Enable it.
At last, Click Save to save your changes.