Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
Compatible with Paid Themes
Compatible with Elementor & other Page-Builders
Save the page and preview.
Same can be followed for other builders like – Muffin, WPBakery, Visual Composer, Beaver, Divi, SiteOrigin, etc.
How we can see all uploaded files from backend can we manage from backend as a admin?
We have dedicated File-Manager in backend. Admin can see user’s private and shared file. Create Pre-Made Folders for users/roles. Pre-Made folders can be shared or separate for each user. Read More in Back-End File Manager Documentation.
Invoice to my Company name & details after purchasing
Deactivating and reactivating license
if you forget to deactivate on old site or encounter any problem reactivating, please email us ( with your license key, old domain name and new domain name.
We will reset your license key.
How many Files can be uploaded?
How many files a user can upload ? (Max File Count)
You can Enable and set maximum file count limit from WordPress Admin Dashboard >> Private Files Pro >> Upload >> Maximum Upload File Count.
For example – if you enable this Feature and set limit to 10. A user can upload 10 files in total (Folder does not count). When user tries to upload 11th file it will show message about limit reached. This will apply to bulk upload too.
What is Max file size limit?
You can set maximum file size limit from WordPress Admin Dashboard >> Private Files Pro >> Upload >> Maximum Upload File Size. Set limit in MB(Megabyte).
Please note this setting will not Increase Maximum limit of your server. For example – if you have server limit of 128MB, you can change it to 1MB to 128MB. but can not set more than 128MB.
If you are unable to upload large files, edit your php.ini or user.ini file and add this line :
upload_max_filesize = 128M
this will limit max file size to 128mb, change it as needed.
Sometime it is managed by hosting provider, please contact your hosting provide and as them to increase “upload_max_filesize”
Can we get Trail for PRO version ?
Admin logins will be provided by email to and valid for 24hrs.
Can I upgrade my existing single site license to a developer license?
How to notify users about a file i shared?
When you share a file/folder with a user/users they will receive an email notification.
Can I allow a specific user role only to download files and another user role to upload / download files
View-Only and Full-Access.
There is an option in backend to restrict users based on their role to upload files.
Conflict with other plugins or active theme
If you still see the issue after this, please get us the error log file from your site hosting.
Is possible for the admin to pre-create folders and sub folders for users?
For example – Admin create a folder name ‘SALES’ and share it with JOHN & ANNA with full-access. Now these two users can see already uploaded files and upload files to it.