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User Login Form

How to Configure Login Form

The login tab is dedicated to the customization of the login form that appears on the [upf_manager] shortcode page and [upf_selected_files] shortcode page when the user is not logged in.

Login Form Shortcode: [upf_login]
User Private Files - WordPress File Sharing Plugin
Login Message – The Login message appears at the top of the form. Leave blank if you don’t want to display a message on the login page.

Username / Email Label – Enter the label that will appear for the username field. Leave blank for a default label.

Password Label – The password label appears for the password field.

Display Remember Me – Turn this option ON If you want to display a checkbox for remembering the login.

Remember Me Label – If you want to change the text for ‘Remember Me’.

Display Google reCAPTCHA v2 – Enable Google reCaptcha on Login Form. More detailed Article.

Login Button Label – The text that appears on the login button. Leave blank for the default label of Sign In.

Display Lost Password – Turning this option ON will display a lost password link clicking which will take users to the WordPress’s default password recovery page.

Lost Password Label – If you want to change the text for that lost password link, you can do that in this field.

Redirect URL – Set a Page/Post URL where you want users to redirected after successful login.

The login form will ask users to enter their username or email address and a password to login to their account and access their files.

Login and Redirect to File Dashboard

This shortcode [upf_login] will display a Login form and Redirect to File Dashboard. Redirect Link should be added in “Redirect URL” at bottom of LOGIN Settings.

How this shortcode works with an example :
1 – Create a page with name “Login” and add shortcode [upf_login]
2 – Create a page with name “File-Dashboard” and add shortcode [upf_manager]
3 – Go to WordPress backend and open ‘Private Files PRO’ Settings. Click on ‘Log In’ tab and scroll down to find ‘Redirect URL’. Here you can add link of your File-Dashboard page. (
4 – Now if you open Login page it will display a login form. Enter Username and Password. As user got logged-in it will open File-Dashboard page.

Note: This shortcode only available with PRO Plugin.