Key Features & Functionality
User Private Files is a powerful and secure file sharing and management plugin that empowers you to share files with specific users, ensuring maximum privacy and control over your content. Whether you run a membership site, intranet, or want to share confidential documents securely, this plugin has got you covered.
How It Works
Take control of your file-sharing needs with User Private Files. Protect your confidential content and share it exclusively with the right audience. Download the plugin now and elevate your WordPress website to a new level of file management and privacy.
Uploading Files
- Security is at the core of User Private Files. All file transfers and access are protected with the latest encryption methods, safeguarding your confidential documents from potential threats.
- These file types can be uploaded (As allowed by WordPress) – image, pdf, doc, zip, audio, video, txt and CSV.
- Additional File Extensions Support for – PSD, PHP, EXE, BIN, SH, BZ, DTD, DWG, EPUB, JAR, SVG and custom extensions. new
- Maximum File Upload Size Limit. new
- Maximum File Upload Count Limit. new
- Create a New Text File. Save and Share it.
- Bulk selected files can be uploaded at once.
- All files uploaded are secure and private to user.
- Admin will have full control of all files uploaded by any user.
- Sync files from Server/FTP folder.
- When a file is uploaded or a folder is created inside a shared folder, User will be informed by an email and frontend notification along with notification dot will appear to identify new file/folder. new
Managing Files
- Search bar help searching files in Personal and shared folders typing file name.
- Rename file name and add/change file description.
- Preview of Images, Videos, PDF, Text, Doc, PPT, Excel, ZIP file type.
- Navigation for file preview.
- Text files can be edited with Text-Editor Add-on.
- Files can be Deleted and it will be moved to Trash. Recover or permanently delete from Trash.
- Move files within different folders.
- Files can be Downloaded.
- Views and Downloads count for files. new
- Users can make comment on files. Good for discussion about a file.
- Sorting file by A-Z or Recently.
- Grid & List View of files.
- Bulk Select files and Share / Move / ZIP / Delete together.
- Select-All will select all files within a folder and Share / Move / Delete all at once.
- ‘Create a New file’ feature allow user to create a blank text file and add content. When shared with other, they can edit too.
- Pagination for Frontend File manager, Classic, Selected/Public Files
Managing Folders
- Organize your files into customized folders and subfolders for a structured and user-friendly experience.
- Create/Rename/Delete folders and folders within folders.
- Add description to a folder so that user know what this folder about.
- Trash Folder contains all deleted file and folders. Recover or permanently delete items from here. Recovered files will be restored to original location, if original location doest not exit, it will restored to root folder.
- Deleting a folder will also delete all containing files/folders.
- Users can upload/move files within different folders.
- Find a Folder using its name through search bar.
- Navigation & Information sidebars are Collapsible from front-end
Sharing Items (Files or Folders)
- Easily grant or restrict file access to individual users or user roles. Share files exclusively with authorized personnel, keeping your content private and confidential.
- Share a item with a Single user by his Username or Email address.
- Share a item with a group of users with specific Role. It will share that item to all users within that role.
- Share a item with a All users. It will share that item to all users on your site.
- There are three level of Permissions while sharing – ‘Read-Only’, ‘View and Upload’ and ‘Full Access’
- Read-Only: User can View, Download and Comment only.
- View and Upload: User can View, download, comment and upload file to folder. But can not delete, share, move or rename
- Full-Access: User will get all permissions as file owners like Rename, delete, comment, share with others, Remove a user’s access & move to other folders.
- A file owner or a user who has full access to a file can change a user’s permissions from Read-Only to Full-Access or Remove complete access.
- User will get notification in front-end and an email when a file/folder shared.
- Copy-Link: You can copy a file/folder’s link. Any user within permissions can use this link to directly open that item. Non-Permitted users will see ‘Permission denied notice’.
- If a Folder is shared, All items within will be shared automatically.
Administrator Features
- Dedicated File Manager for admins in WordPress back-end. Access all file and folders by users and roles. Read More
- Backend UPF File Manager Access can be shared with other user roles. new
- Premade folders- Admin can create Pre-Made folders for users and roles from backend file manager.
- [upf_upload] – Uploader only shortcode. Allowing users to Upload files only. Pass a folder_id which the uploaded files will go to that folder.
- [upf_display] – Display files only shortcode. User can only see files shared to or self uploaded.
- [upf_manager] – Full width dashboard shortcode. Simple and user friendly Front-end File manager experience.
- [upf_selected_files id=”1234″] – If you like to show a single file or folder, please use that file/folder id with above shortcode. Multiple files/folder can be clubbed together separated by commas. Use parameter limit_folder_view that restricts users to view the folder or content inside
- [upf_public_folder id=”4436, 4447″] – Public folder: Admin can create Public folders that allows anyone to view files from a folder without login. These files are not private to anyone.
- Admin can use Front-end file manager same as other users.
- Enable/Disable Role based sharing for any group of users. for example if sharing is disabled for Subscriber role, these users can only upload file, but can not share with anyone.
- Enable/Disable Uploading for any group of users. for example if Uploading is disabled for Subscriber role, these users can Not upload any file on your site, but they can see file/folder that is shared with them with Read-Only Access.
- Show/Hide New-Folder button for any group of users, so these users can not create any folder.
- Show/Hide New-File button for any group of users, so these users can not create any Text file.
- Show/Hide My-files section for any group of users
- Show/Hide Search Bar for any group of users
- Show/Hide Filter Bar for any group of users
- Show/Hide Tool Buttons Label
- Show/Hide Trash for User Roles. new
- Enable/Disable Doc Viewer
- Enable/Disable ZIP functionality
- Enable/Disable Use of file/folder sorting
- Enable/Disable Use of List-View and Grid-View of files/folders
- Set default view of List-View and Grid-View of files/folders
- Enable/Disable Public-Files Section on [upf_manager] page.
- New option to add your site’s privacy policy link at bottom in the sidebar.
- Pagination and Option to set number of items that can be displayed in fontend file dashboard, Selected/Public Files. new
- Enable/Disable Frontend Notification – it control notifications when a file is shared with user.
- Enable/Disable Email Notification – it control email notifications sent to user. Email Subject and Content editable and html allowed.
- New Email notifications that are sent out when a file is uploaded or a folder is created inside a shared folder.
- Single email notification for bulk upload. new
- Sync files from Server/FTP folder. new
- Upload Folder directly from your computer, It will create all subfolders and upload files in same hierarchy. new
- Google Drive- Synchronize User uploaded files with Your Google Drive account by simply add Client ID and Secret key.
- [upf_login] – Shortcode to display Login form and settings to configure redirect user to File Dashboard. new
- Customizable Login form when user visit dashboard. Add Login message, Change Label’s text and control remember-me and Lost-password links.
- Google reCaptcha v2 for Login form. new
- [upf_register] – Shortcode to display User Signup/Registration form and settings to configure redirect user to File Dashboard. new
- Branding – Add your logo and Watermark to Frontend File Manager. new
- Customize Color scheme of button, text and hover.
- Add custom thumbnails for default file, folder and different file types
- UPF itself is translation ready. It support most International languages. Easy to configure for any other languages.
- User Private Files is fully responsive, ensuring a seamless file-sharing experience on any device. Share files on desktops, tablets, or mobile phones without compromising usability.