
Follow below steps for hassle free setup

Plugin Installation

How to Install and Activate Plugin on a WordPress Website.

License Key

How to Activate your License key and Reset your domain if key is lost.

All Shortcodes

How to make use of all shortcodes explained in details.

Configure Plugin

How to Configure Plugin settings from WordPress dashboard .

File/Folder Settings

Manage File Type, File Upload Size, File Count and Sync FTP/Server Folder

User Login Form

customization of the login form when the user is not logged in.

User Signup Form

Customization of the User Registration form allowing users to signup.

Appearance Customizer

How to Customize Color, Thumbnails and Appearance of Dashboard.

Frontend Dashboard

How to use frontend file manager that offer all features.

Private Files & Folders

How to Manage Files and Folder from Frontend Dashboard.

Public Files & Folder

Public files section on Front-end and Back-end Dashboard

Search Files & Folders

How Search Functionality works in backend and frontend.

Sharing and Access Levels

How to use View Only Access, View and Upload, Full Access.


Backend File Manager

How to manage file and folders as a site administrator.

Translate Plugin

How to Translate User Private Files Plugin to other Languages

Google Drive - Addon

Store files in Google Drive Folder.

Change Log

Feature Improvements List



Frequently Asked Questions