Change Log

Ongoing Development Progress

Expected Update: August 2024

– Fixed: Text File Editor bug (File appearing twice when closed until refreshed).
– Fixed: Zip file preview not showing full file path in back-end file manager.

Version 4.2.9

Published Date: 2024-07-26

– Backend File Manager: Pre-Made Folder Section reworked.
– Search through Pre-Made Folders and Public Folders.
– Search by Custom-Fields added.
– Document Preview Scrollbar hidden.
– Google reCaptcha script reworked.

Bug Fixed:
– Pre-Made Folder bug (Folder appearing in all folders) fixed.
– Folder Description bug fixed.

Version 4.2.8

Published Date: 2024-06-28

New Features:
– File Download Count Limit. (How Many times a File can be downloaded.)
– Display File count inside a folder (back-end file manager).

– PHP 8.3+ Supported.
– Send verification email to newly register user.
– Removed UPF files from media library.
– Added loading icon on register process.

Bug Fixed:
– Classic shortcode – shared files showing 10 files only.
– Sorting dropdown z-index value.
– Fatal error while uploading for undefined variable.

Version 4.2.7

Published Date: 2024-06-17

New Features:
– Red dot notification for new files/folders.

– Google reCaptcha v2 for register form.
– Added Pagination for selected/public files.
– Added Pagination for classic shortcode.

Bug Fixed:
– Classic Uploader CSS and upload error issues.
– Font Awesome included for Classic Upload-Only shortcode.
– List view bug in backend file manager.
– Breadcrumbs in backend file manager.
– PDF preview for public files not opening.
– Selected files grid/list view issue.
– Invalid json response while saving page with classic shortcode.

Version 4.2.6

Published Date: 2024-06-03

New Features:
– Hide trash for roles.

Bug Fixed:
– Bug fixed for preview not showing on frontend.
– CSS issue fixed for email settings messages.
– Branding logo css issue.

Version 4.2.5

Published Date: 2024-06-03

New Features:
– User Registration Shortcode added: [upf_register].
– Branding – Add your logo and Watermark to Frontend File Manager.
– Maximum File Upload Size Limit.
– Maximum File Upload Count Limit.
– Backend UPF File Manager Access for other user roles.

– Bulk Select Actions for Files/Folder shared with View-Only and View+Upload Access.

Bug Fixed:
– Custom fields addon conflict with selected and public files preview fixed.

Version 4.2.4

Published Date: 2024-05-08

New Features:
– Sync files from Server/FTP folder.
– Single email notification for bulk upload.
– Added navigation for file preview.
– Views and Downloads count for files.
– Shortcode support for Login form.
– Option to set redirection for login form.

– Added version numbers to the css and js files to fix cache related issues.
– Added premade separate folders for user only and provided full access to admin.
– Removed nopriv action + fixed public folder render for non logged users.
– Backend file manager – file sections of a user are improved as clickable buttons.
– Previews for images now open in shared-with-me section in gallery upf_display shortcode.

– Disabled access dropdown for premade separeate folders in admin file manager.
– Resolved chosen script error + Loaded script from local folder.
– PDF preview not working in upf_display shortcode.

Version 4.2.3

Published Date: 2024-04-15

New Features:
– Upload Folder from PC, It will create all subfolders and upload files in same hierarchy.
– Google reCaptcha for Login form.
– List/Grid view for Public-Files and Selected-Files shortcodes.
– Pagination and Option to set number of items that can be displayed in fontend file dashboard.
– Search for users when sharing a file or folder for admin users.
– Additional File Extensions Support for – PSD, PHP, EXE, BIN, SH, BZ, DTD, DWG, EPUB, JAR, SVG and custom extensions.
– Enable/Disable Public-Files Section on [upf_manager] page.

– Pre-Made Folder Permission improved.

– Call to undefined function mb_convert_kana fixed for PHP 8+.
– Serve the files with header status 200.
– Conflicts for multiple public files shortcodes on same page.
– limit_folder_view attribute fixed for Public-Folder shortcode.
– Image thumbnails in twenty twenty themes – In all shortcodes.

Version 4.2.2

Published Date: 2024-02-28

– Zip file name converts to special character when downloading.
– Share dialog type-to-search email field selects first user by default and can not be removed.

Version 4.2.1

Published Date: 2024-02-08

– Option to change Remember Me label under login settings.

– Backend pdf file preview not working.

Version 4.2.0

Published Date: 2024-02-07

– Confirmation when removing a user/role from a file/folder.
– Move-to dropdown has a search feature.
– Sharing popup allows searching for a user in the backend.
– Backend external links and css improvement.

– Escape special characters while downloading a file.

Version 4.1.9

Published Date: 2024-01-29

New Features:
– Search for folder when moving files/folders.
– Search for a user when sharing, only for admin users for security concerns.

Version 4.1.8

Published Date: 2024-01-24

– Zip functionality tweaks.
– Doc preview in classic design.
– Thumbnail and preview for dwg files.

Version 4.1.7

Published Date: 2023-12-08

New Features:
– Added support for file previews for doc, excel, and ppt file with google docs viewer.
– New permission level View and Upload.
– Uploader only shortcode now supports folder id passing which the uploaded files will go to that folder.
– Public folder that allows anyone to view files on the site. Added new shortcode and support in UPF Manager as well.
– Selected files shortcode supports new parameter limit_folder_view that restricts users to view the folder or content inside.
– New email notifications that are sent out when a file is uploaded or a folder is created inside a shared folder.
– New frontend notification for when a file is uploaded or a new folder is created.
– New option to add privacy policy link at bottom in the sidebar.
– Added field for folder description.

– Move-to popup now has hierarchy of the sub folders.
– Sorting has improved with multiple sort options.
– Adjust column size according to number of columns.
– Classic Design – Add Share with role functionality.
– Email Notification – added from field.
– A new variable site_url is available for email notification’s subject and content.
– Added {target_username} and file/folder {link} in email notification.
– Enabled sharing for premade-separate and individual folders.
– Removed premade separate folders from shared section(when individual folder inside it is shared).
– Preview for zip files. Show folder/file names inside zip files.
– Moved premade section out of temp in backend file manager.
– ZIP file sharing and other operations.
– Toolbar buttons labels settings.
– Added title to toolbar icons.
– Premade delete – move individual folders/files out.
– Backend settings – Moved toolbar section from customizer to settings tab.
– Font Awesome version updated to 6.0.

– Close file-preview bugs for sidebar and toolbar.
– Selected files – Fix restrict parent folders upto selected ids
– Translation support for Grid/List fixed.
– Resolved public js files conflict.
– Added word wrap for navbar filenames.
– Fixed notifications breadcumbs.
– Fixed link in email notifications
– Fixed Uncaught TypeError in render.php.
– Fixed warning errors in templates.
– CSS for large files/folder names.
– Design issues for mobile and other devices.
– Fixed file preview in mobile view.
– Duplicate ids in selected files, public folder shortcode now displays files/folders only once.

Version 4.1.6

Published Date: 2023-10-25

– CSV file preview not working with text editor.
– Missing translations for folder text.
– Classic display not showing files shared with roles.

Version 4.1.5

Published Date: 2023-10-12

– columns width breaking due to missing flex-grow.
– Missing translations for list view columns.

Version 4.1.4

Published Date: 2023-10-07

– Generated missing translations and removed old IT translation files.

Version 4.1.3

Published Date: 2023-09-27

New Features:
– Zip functionality.
– Display selected files/folders using a dedicated shortcode [upf_selected_files id=”1234″].

– Removed google drive integration from the core plugin and moved to addon plugin.
– Added support for text editor, google drive and custom fields addon plugins.

– CSS issues.
– Backend file manager bugs.

Version 4.1.2

Published Date: 2023-09-02

– Tested with WP version 6.3.1.

– [Security] – Vulnerability issue fixed for stored XSS type from the admin settings screen.

Version 4.1.1

Published Date: 2023-08-31

– Added support for custom fields plugin.

– CSS for list view column max-width.
– CSS for Classic edit popups.
– Set ownership of files uploaded from classic design.
– Warning for undefined waitforimage function error. Delayed folder.js loading.

Version 4.1.0

Published Date: 2023-08-25

New Features:
– Backend file manager for admin to manage files.
– Premade folders from backend file manager.

– Added support for g-drive, text editor, and custom fields addons.
– Optimize code.
– Classic – Edit file name and description.

– Mixed content warning for pdf file preview in mobile.
– Classic group-by filter not working.
– Large empty space below pdf file preview in list view when right sidebar is closed.
– Unusual height of files container when in file preview.
– design bug for file preview popup for mobile and desktop.

Version 4.0.9

Published Date: 2023-07-28

– License manager logic.

– pdf file preview in mobile.

Version 4.0.8

Published Date: 2023-07-23

– Toolbar buttons not working due to JS function conflict.

Version 4.0.7

Published Date: 2023-06-14

New Features:
– Copy a folder or file link.

– Clicking folder and file name in grid view not working.
– Clicking folder icon in list view not opening the folder.
– Clicking on row in list view not opening the folder/file.

Version 4.0.6

Published Date: 2023-05-09

New Features:
– Enable role based sharing for select user roles instead of on/off.

– Code Optimization.

– Compatibility issues with classic design shortcodes.

Version 4.0.5

Published Date: 2023-05-02

– Wrong version was showing in the plugins list.

Version 4.0.4

Published Date: 2023-05-01

– Missing translations in php files.
– Login toggle options not saving.

Version 4.0.3

Published Date: 2023-04-25

– Google Drive not connecting. Updated drive settings.
– Used file mime types and extensions that are allowed by WordPress.
– sort button not appearing for view-only access folders.

Version 4.0.2

Published Date: 2023-04-18

– Bulk select toggle causing folder buttons to appear when not needed.
– Undefined variable notice for default grid/list view.
– dashicon css changed to more specific upf classes.
– popup labels showing in next line.

Version 4.0.1

Published Date: 2023-04-17

New Features:
– Uploader only shortcode ([upf_upload]) added.
– All Files display shortcode ([upf_display]) added.
– Frontend Notifications for users.
– Enable/disable frontend notifications.
– Google Drive Integration (beta version).
– Login form when user is not logged in.
– Customizer to change options for login form.
– Customizer to adjust colors of buttons and icons.
– Customizer to set custom thumbnails for file types.
– Layout update for backend settings.
– Hide Search for particular user roles.
– Hide Filters for particular user roles.
– Hide New Folder button for particular user roles.
– List View of files and folders.
– Collapsible Side panels.

– Replaced user email with username in information sidebar.

– session_write_close added for session termination in sort add-on.

Version 3.1.5

Published Date: 2023-03-16

– pdf preview not working for subsequent times in safari browser. Replace object with iframe.

Version 3.1.4

Published Date: 2023-03-14

– pdf preview issue in safari browser.

Version 3.1.3

Published Date: 2023-03-03

New Features:
– Sort functionality as add-on.

Hook – Filter (upf_admin_custom_fields) to add custom fields under the plugin settings.
Hook – Action (upfp_save_custom_fields) to save custom fields under the plugin settings.
Hook – Action (upfp_sort_button) for frontend sort button.
Hook – Filter (upf_orderby) for frontend orderby functionality.
Hook – Filter (upf_order) for frontend order (ASC/default) functionality.

Version 3.1.2

Published Date: 2022-11-25

– jQuery’s success function conflict with newer version. Replaced all occurrences with done function.

Version 3.1.1

Published Date: 2022-09-05

– Fixed missing translation for some words.

Version 3.1.0

Published Date: 2022-08-06

– Trash files preview not loading.

Version 3.0.9

Published Date: 2022-08-04

New Features:
– Now share files and folders by using email address or username.

Version 3.0.8

Published Date: 2022-07-02

– Translation files name fixed.
– Trash not showing deleted files that are not assigned to folders.
– vulnerability issue for uploading not allowed files.

Version 3.0.7

Published Date: 2022-07-02

– Bulk Select button was showing for view-only access when file preview popup closed.

Version 3.0.6

Published Date: 2022-07-01

New Features:
– Set Access Level when sharing a folders and files.
– Sidebar details now shows access level of shared-with users.
– Bulk select files for actions like delete, move and restore.

– Updated functionality for key status.
– Restore files/folder now goes back to it’s original location.

– Design conflict fixed.
– Undefined variable notice for insider_shared & data_share variables.
– Some images not loading in firefox browser. exit statement was missing from downloader file.

Version 3.0.5

Published Date: 2022-06-08

New Features:
– Option to disable uploading functionality based on user roles.
– Upload multiple files at once.

Version 3.0.4

Published Date: 2022-05-31

– Backend speed optimization. Only check for license key when cache expires.

Version 3.0.3

Published Date: 2022-05-25

– Tested with WordPress version 6.0

– Warning when checking for updates and server doesn’t respond.
– conflict with other plugins that use SLMC code for licensing.

Version 3.0.2

Published Date: 2022-04-04

New Features:
– Filter shared files by a user email address

– Improved security with nonce and validation
– Display user nick names instead of emails

– File name not updating in content after rename

Version 3.0.1

Published Date: 2022-02-21

New Features:
– User Private File PRO launched