
Follow below steps for hassle free setup

Private Files & Folders

How to Manage Files and Folder from Frontend Dashboard:

Manage Folders:

Create a new folder – Click the New Folder option from the New button at the top which will open a popup asking for the name. Enter the name as you want and click the Create button. The popup will close automatically if the folder is created successfully.

Rename the folder – Open the folder and click Rename from the toolbar or right sidebar (pencil icon next to Folder Name). On the popup, change the name and click the Save button. You can edit the description in the same way.

Delete the folder – Open a Folder and Click the Delete button from the toolbar. A popup will appear asking for confirmation. Click delete and the folder will be moved to the Trash.

Permanently delete the folder – Go to trash and open the folder and click “Permanent Delete”. Confirm deletion and the folder will be deleted permanently.

Share a folder – Open a Folder and Click the share icon from the toolbar or the right sidebar which will open a popup. Select the users option and access level and click share. Please refer to our sharing and Access levels article to know more about different permissions.

ZIP & Download a folder – Open a Folder and Click the ZIP icon from the toolbar. Which will open a popup processing your folder. As the Compressing complete there will be two buttons to Delete or Download ZIP File.

When you open a folder, you can see the related information on the right sidebar like folder name, description, who has access and what level of access someone has, Created By and Owned By information.

Manage Files:

The frontend file manager dashboard opens with All-Files loaded at first where you see all your uploaded files and folders.

Upload a file – Click on All Files (left sidebar) or open a folder where you want to upload new files. Hover mouse on the “New” button and click “Upload Files” from the dropdown which will open a popup.
Click Choose Files from the popup and select the file you want to upload. You can also select multiple files. Alternatively, you can drag and drop your files in the drop area.
Files will start uploading with their uploading status next to their names. The popup will close automatically if files are uploaded successfully and the files will appear on the page.

Preview a file – Click on it which will open a preview for supported files in the content area. On the right side panel, you can view details, permissions and comments related to the file. You can also see the action buttons on the toolbar to perform various actions like rename, share, download, and delete etc.

To close the preview, click on the close (cross icon) at the top right corner.

Tip – If you upload the files inside a shared folder, the files will appear for the users that have access to that folder.

Toolbar Buttons:

The toolbar is a very important section that has buttons to perform actions on folders and files. Following are the toolbar buttons that appear as you view a folder or file.

Bulk Select – This button allows you to select multiple files at once so that you can perform an action on multiple files at once.

Move To – This button appears when you preview a file or bulk select some folders/files. Clicking this button will open a popup with a hierarchical list of other folders where you can move the selected files/folders to.

Share – This will open a popup that allows sharing of a file or folder with a single user, multiple users (a role), or all users at once with different permissions. This popup also shows a copy link button that you can use to share the link to a file/folder with other users on the site.

Rename – Click this button to change the name of a file/folder.

Delete – This will delete a file either permanently or move the file/folder to trash.

Grid/List View – This allows a user to view the files and folders in the grid or list mode.

Sort – This button gives you different sorting options to sort the files and folders by their name, modified date or size in ASC or DESC orders.

Zip – You can generate a zip file containing current folders and files using this button and then download or share that zip file with ease. You can turn this option OFF/ON from settings.

Empty Trash – This button will appear when you open the trash folder. Clicking this will permanently remove all the files and folders from the Trash folder.

Restore – The Restore button appears in the toolbar when you open a trashed folder/file. Clicking this will restore the selected file/folder to its original location from where it was deleted. If the original folder doesn’t exist anymore, it will move the file/folder to its grand parent folder or all-files.

Permanent Delete – This button will remove the selected files/folders permanently from the trash that you can not recover.

Copy – This button appears in the toolbar in the public folder so that you can copy a file/folder and share the link with someone else who does not have an account on the site.


Trash contains the files and folders that were deleted from other locations. This is where you can still recover your files and folders after you delete them accidentally.

You can bulk select files and folders here and restore or permanently delete them. Or you can open a folder or file and restore or permanently delete it.