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How to Enable ZIP Extension

In this documentation article we will explain how to use ZIP feature in User Private Files PRO plugin.

You can bulk select some files or a folder and create a ZIP file to download.

To Enable this feature first go to WordPress Dashboard (must be logged in as a admin) then select ‘User Private Files Pro’ Menu item from left sidebar. It will open all Settings related to UPF Plugin.

Now scroll down to ‘General Settings’ and you will see “Enable ZIP” toggle option. Turn ON to enable ZIP feature. Click on SAVE from bottom of the screen. (if settings does not save please refer to troubleshooting steps by end of this article)

If you go to your front end file manager dashboard you will see that ZIP icon is now available in toolbar.
Select some files and click on ZIP icon. A popup will appear showing process of creating a ZIP file. As process complete you will see two buttons to download or delete this zip file.
Note: Admin can access all ZIP files from back-end file manage by navigating to ‘UPF File Manage’ >> ‘Temp’ >> ‘ZIP’


If you turned ON enable ZIP option and it does not Save or showing errors like “ZIP extension must be enabled” please follow below steps.

To get ZIP functionality to be working you need ZIP Extension of PHP enabled on your hosting. You can simply ask your hosting provide to enable this for you or you can do it yourself but instruction may be different depends on your hosting provider.

– First Login to your cPanel/hosting account and find ‘Select PHP Version’.

– Select your current PHP version and Extensions.
– Find Extension called ‘zip’ and enable & save.
You can also check if ‘Archive_Zip’ Package/Extension is installed on your hosting server.
Navigate to PHP-Pear-Package >> Installed Modules